"The Daily Nonsense report� showing on http://BruceDowns.Diaryland.com is just what the name implies, just nonsense. I update this nonsense everyday with links to a wide variety of weird, funny, strange, and just plain entertaining sites that the Internet, so frequently, provides us. On occasion I may feature links that doesn�t necessarily meet the previously mention criteria but are my personal thoughts and observations. I do put witty taglines on this nonsense and mail them to your mother on occasion, especially when you have been bad. So have fun, make comments, and come back often.

06/18/2004 - 6:39 a.m.
Top five things you never see men do
5. Write poetry
4. Swing briefcase while skipping
3. Share an umbrella in a light sprinkle
2. Clip coupons together
1. Air kisses, sorry screenwriter I had to do it.

What did I leave out?

06/18/2004 - 3:34 a.m.
There's no revenge like angry blogger�s revenge served cold
Bethany, a regular reader of this nonsense is out for revenge and I thought it would be fun to help her out, hey what are Internet friends for.

So here�s her disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: I am sure he will eventually find out what I have done... but if you decide to do anything, please don't mention my name or this site. Just generally letting him know he is a prick, etc. is good enough. Thanks!

I think you guys should read the story for yourself and give Brian what he deserves, sign him up for something that we know he will not like and post it on Bethany�s site.

Please click here to read what that jerk did, Warning: contains crude language so if that bothers you try reading this story with your eyes closed.

06/18/2004 - 3:32 a.m.
Passion Of The Christ sequel
Landover Baptist Studios presents: The Passion of The Christ Part Two. You can view the trailer to the much anticipated sequel online.


06/18/2004 - 3:31 a.m.
ughhh... You may need the Nonsense vomit bag, just kidding but this is funny.
Prank video of a man with a huge zit posing as a police officer. This lovely video is from a Canadian comedy show called "just for laugh gags" filmed in Montreal so it�s French humor at its best.

06/17/2004 - 7:52 a.m.
Crap, Does anyone else here do their puzzles in the stall?
The Bathroom Readers' Institute (yes, they publish books to read on the can) is sponsoring a contest to complete the World�s Hardest Crossword Puzzle! So all you crackheads, sharpen your pencils!

06/17/2004 - 7:27 a.m.
huh? Who uses sinks?

I want all guys to learn from this site The International Center for Bathroom Etiquette especially at my office and pay special attention to where to stand and which sink to use. I�m just trying to make this world a better place to pee in.

06/17/2004 - 6:42 a.m.
Seen on Condom Machine in Bathroom. This bubble gum tastes like rubber.
The Writings on the Stall: a new compendium of bathroom graffiti

06/17/2004 - 6:15 a.m.
For a Qualitee Pee; T.P. get it? hee hee
While traveling do you ever need to go to the bathroom? So you stop at the first gas station only to jump back in your car without ever getting your fly down because you have the fear what you may catch if you actually did down trou. If so, then�

Restroom Ratings: "A special spot on the web for public bathroom reviews." All this, and postcards too!

06/16/2004 - 6:45 a.m.
God Bless these American heroes.
Florida Homeless sue for right to drink in public

06/16/2004 - 6:31 a.m.
US Surgeon General�s Warning: SMOKING MAY STUNT YOUR GROWTH.


06/16/2004 - 4:40 a.m.
Did that make you dizzy??? Or is it just me?
Look at this picture and tell me if you're drunk.

06/16/2004 - 4:32 a.m.
Dahn-dah-dah...dahn dah-dah...
'Sorority Girls from Hell' short film. This thing is hilarious.

06/15/2004 - 6:50 a.m.
Caption this...
As we all know that Kerry asked McCain to consider VP spot.

I like this one:
How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No. How about now? No.

06/15/2004 - 6:33 a.m.
This Makes Me Very Happy


06/15/2004 - 4:36 a.m.
The Ronald Reagan Memory Game
This is sooo wrong, yet... kind of fun!

06/14/2004 - 6:51 a.m.
Man 1 Bank 0
He deposited a junk mail check, for $95,000, as a joke...it cashed! The rest is history. I found this very interesting but long. What would you have done with the money?

06/14/2004 - 6:36 a.m.
Check before you ask
For next time someone asks one of those questions...

Someone thinks you are an idiot because you were too stupid to check Google before asking a question. They gave you a link to this site as a joke. The fact that you followed it pretty much proves the point.

Hope that helps.

06/14/2004 - 4:04 a.m.
Google War
Enter two search terms, and the battle begins: Google War.

I've seen this sort of thing in the past, but this one is better because you can view the recent battles that people have staged.
Share your battles with us.

06/14/2004 - 4:00 a.m.
Get Answers to Your Questions
What is What Is?

Enter a subject and this page tells you what that is ... umm... I guess you'd better just try it out :) Note that the results are not randomly generated in any way! Take your time to browse the results and you might be surprised how accurate this thing can be.

Accurate indeed. For example, here are a few answers to the question, What is Daily Nonsense?

Daily Nonsense is getting really famous.
Daily Nonsense is as addicting as any drug.
Daily Nonsense is a thread in a forum some 3 days ago.
Daily Nonsense is this one.

Last Week Nonsense - This Week Nonsense

Any rebroadcast, reproduction, or other use of the pictures and accounts of this nonsense without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited. Sanitized for your protection. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. One size fits all. No user-serviceable parts inside. I do not carry cash. No wagering. Void where prohibited by law.